Eye and Orbital Anatomy Course
Category: Training - Other
Date: April 11th 2014 8:30am until 5:00pm
Location: Medical Teaching Building, University of Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 9PX
The course is ideal for ophthalmic trainees (ST1-2), those studying for FRCOphth part 1, and foundation doctors who want to gain a more in-depth understanding of the regional anatomy relevOnt to a future in this surgical specialty.
You will get the opportunity to dissect the orbital contents and ocular adnexa, as well as review prosected material covering the visual pathway, cranial nerves and regional anatomy.
Teaching will be provided by the Brighton and Sussex Medical School Anatomy Team, with guest tutors including Professor Christopher Liu, FRCOphth.
All teaching will be in small groups to facilitate interactive learning, with a low tutor-student ratio.
The Anatomy Laboratory is located in the Medical Teaching Building on the University of Sussex campus. The facility was opened in 2003 and comprises a state-of-the-art anatomy dissecting room.
Fees: £145.00
Less than half of the places now available so book today!