What is counselling?
The aim of counselling is to help each person to clarify and address their difficulties and identify ways forward. Often putting things into words can help to begin to see the range of options and to take control of life again.
Issues that are frequently raised
Work related:
- Interpersonal skills
- Communication skills
- Issues around untoward incidents
- Time management
- Lack of assertiveness
- Personal feelings of failure
- Uncertainty about future in medicine
- Disciplinary issues
- Bullying / Harassment
Personal Issues:
- Relationship difficulties
- Illness (of self or family)
- Bereavement
- Family problems
- General unhappiness, maybe for no apparent reason
How to access counselling services
In the first instance trainees should seek counselling services through their General Practitioner or employer.
If this doesn't resolve the issue the trainee can be referred through their Educational Supervisor to Severn Postgraduate Medical Education who have access to Specialist Counseling Service: "One to One"
If trainees wish to pay for sessions themselves they can make direct contact with "One to One"
Telephone number: 0845 1305354
Email: oneto.one@virgin.net
Hours of service: Weekdays 4:30pm - 6:30pm. Answer phone service is available at all other times