Trainee Support for Existing Trainees
Within the modern medical education environment trainees are undertaking a huge transition whilst developing from a foundation level doctor to a consultant within a relatively short and intense period of time. If trainees require any support or guidance during this period it is important that they access the help available to them in good time to prevent a minor issue developing into a serious concern. Asking for help will not be detrimental to a trainee’s career, instead it shows they are ready to take ownership of their training and demonstrates their commitment to good clinical practice.
In the first instance trainees should express any concerns or issues to their Educational Supervisor. The Educational Supervisor is responsible for their trainee’s education and supervision during their rotation and will be on hand to guide and support the trainee regarding professional matters.
If a trainee requires further assistance then the next stage would be to involve the Training Programme Director Dr Paul Tomlins or the Head of School Dr Rebecca Ford. They are responsible for the overall training programme within the Severn region and works closely with the various Educational and Clinical Supervisors, College Tutors and Administration Staff to ensure a consistent high quality level of training is provided to each and every trainee.
The Severn Deanery also offers a Professional Support and Well-Being service. Trainees who are struggling with various aspects of their life, for example biological (health), psychological (behaviour) and social (work or home environment) issues may self-refer to this service for additional support. Likewise if a trainee’s Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director is concerned with a trainee they may ask for the involvement of the Trainee Support Team.