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Posted January 8th 2013 (12 years ago)

Central Inter Deanery Transfer Process

From April 2013 a new UK Inter Deanery Transfer process is expected to be launched, administered by London Deanery Provider Support on behalf of Health Education England.
The national process will contain the following features, aimed at delivering a consistent and fair transfer system:

  • A single application via a IDT portal of application
  • Two windows per year, in April and October
  • A national eligibility criteria
  • A single communication channel
  • An enquiries service for those interested in transferring

Discussions are still taking place around some of the finer details of the new process and these should be concluded very early in the new year. Following this, full details of the process, including dates, eligibility requirements and how to make an application will be published.

There will not be an intermediary window for transfers between December 2012 and March 2013. Those wishing to make an application for an IDT will be able to do so from April 2013. Any Doctors and Dentists in Post Graduate Training who have recently submitted a request for an IDT to their Post Graduate Dean, will be required to resubmit an application in April 2013.

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